Renato Fonseca
About me
I am currently (2021–) a postdoctoral fellow at the High-energy physics group (FTAE) of the University of Granada.
Previously I was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Particle and
Nuclear Physics (IPNP) in Prague (2018–2021), and at the Instituto de Física Corpuscular (IFIC) in Valencia (2013–2018).
I did my Ph.D. (2009–2013) at CFTP, a research center of Instituto Superior Técnico, in Lisbon, under the supervision of Jorge C. Romão and Ana M. Teixeira.
Research areas:
- Effective field theories
- Neutrino mass models, lepton number violation and associated phenomenology
- Grand unified theories
- Computer tools for model building
- Flavour symmetries
- ...
- Boundedness from below of $SU(n)$ potentials

Renato Fonseca
- Explaining the SM flavor structure with grand unified theories

Renato Fonseca
(Contribution to the proceedings of the ICHEP2020 conference)
PoS ICHEP2020 (2021) 241
- GroupMath: A Mathematica package for group theory calculations

Renato Fonseca
Comput.Phys.Commun. 267 (2021) 108085
- Flavorgenesis in an SU(19) model

Andreas Ekstedt, Renato Fonseca and Michal Malinský
Physics Letters B 816 (2021) 136212
- $(g-2)$ anomalies and neutrino mass

Carolina Arbeláez, Ricardo Cepedello, Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
Physical Review D 102 (2020) 7
- Neutrino masses beyond the minimal seesaw

Ricardo Cepedello, Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
(Contribution to the proceedings of the TAUP 2019 conference)
J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 1468 (2020)
- Enumerating the operators of an effective field theory

Renato Fonseca
Physical Review D 101, 035040 (2020)
- Violation of lepton number in 3 units

Renato Fonseca
(Contribution to the proceedings of the DISCRETE 2018 symposium)
J.Phys.Conf.Ser. 1586 (2020) 1, 012003
- Systematic classification of three-loop realizations of the Weinberg operator

Ricardo Cepedello, Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
JHEP 10 (2018) 197;
Erratum: JHEP 06 (2019) 034
Supplementary data can be found here
- High-dimensional neutrino masses

Gaetana Anamiati, Oscar Castillo-Felisola, Renato Fonseca, Juan Carlos Helo and
Martin Hirsch
JHEP 12 (2018) 066
Supplementary data can be found here
- $\Delta L\geq 4$ processes

Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
Physical Review D 98, 015035 (2018)
Supplementary data can be found here
- $\Delta L=3$ processes: Proton decay and the LHC

Renato Fonseca, Martin Hirsch and Rahul Srivastava
Physical Review D 97, 075026 (2018)
- Quasi Dirac neutrino oscillations

Gaetana Anamiati, Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
Physical Review D 97, 095008 (2018)
- The Sym2Int program: going from symmetries to interactions

Renato Fonseca
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 873 (2017) 012045
(More information on this computer code can be found here)
- Gauge vectors and double beta decay

Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
Physical Review D 95, 035033 (2017)
- Lepton number violation in 331 models

Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
Physical Review D 94, 115003 (2016)
- A flipped 331 model

Renato Fonseca and Martin Hirsch
JHEP 08 (2016) 003
- Roots of unity and lepton mixing patterns from finite flavour symmetries

Renato Fonseca and Walter Grimus
(Contribution to the proceedings of the conference "Matter to the Deepest")
Acta Phys. Polon. B46 (2015) No. 11, 2407
- Consistency of the triplet seesaw revisited

Cesar Bonilla, Renato Fonseca, José Valle
Physical Review D 92, 075028 (2015)
- Vacuum stability with spontaneous violation of lepton number

Cesar Bonilla, Renato Fonseca, José Valle
Physics Letters B 756 (2016) 345–349
- $SU(5)$-inspired double beta decay

Renato Fonseca, Martin Hirsch
Physical Review D 92, 015014 (2015)
- On the chirality of the SM and the fermion content of GUTs

Renato Fonseca
Nuclear Physics B 897 (2015) 757-780
- Small neutrino masses and gauge coupling unification

Sofiane Boucenna, Renato Fonseca, Félix González-Canales, and José Valle
Physical Review D 91, 031702(R) (2015)
- Classification of lepton mixing patterns from finite flavour symmetries

Renato Fonseca and Walter Grimus
(Contribution to the proceedings of the ICHEP 2014 conference)
Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings
273–275 (2016) 2618–2620
- Classification of lepton mixing matrices from residual symmetries

Renato Fonseca and Walter Grimus
JHEP 09 (2014) 033
- Renormalization in supersymmetric models

Renato Fonseca (Ph.D. thesis 2013)
- Renormalization group equations and matching in a general quantum field
theory with kinetic

Renato Fonseca, Michal Malinský, and Florian Staub
Physics Letters B 726 (2013) 882-886
- Supersymmetric $SO(10)$ GUTs with sliding scales

Carolina Arbeláez, Renato Fonseca, Martin Hirsch, and Jorge Romão
Physical Review D 87, 075010 (2013)
- Revisiting the $\Gamma(K\to e\nu)/\Gamma(K\to\mu\nu)$ ratio in Supersymmetric Unified Models
Renato Fonseca, Jorge Romão, and Ana Teixeira
The European Physical Journal C 72 (2012)
- Running soft parameters in SUSY models with multiple U(1) gauge factors
Renato Fonseca, Michal Malinský, Werner Porod, and Florian Staub
Nuclear Physics B 854 (2012) 28
J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 447 012034 (2013)
(contribution to the DISCRETE 2012 symposium)
- Calculating the renormalisation group equations of a SUSY model with Susyno
Renato Fonseca
Computer Physics Communications 183 (2012)
(More information on this computer code can be found here)
- Discrete Family Symmetries and Tri-Bimaximal Leptonic Mixing
Renato Fonseca (Master's thesis 2008)
Computational tools for model building
- GroupMath
GroupMath is a Mathematica package containing several functions related to Lie Algebras and the permutation group. A tutorial discussing several of the available functions can be found here
- Sym2Int
Sym2Int is a Mathematica package which lists all valid interactions given a model's gauge group and fields.
The fields are specified by their gauge and Lorentz transformation properties.
- Susyno
Susyno is a Mathematica package which calculates the 2-loop
renormalisation group equations of supersymmetric models, based
on any gauge group and
with any field content.
Supplementary research data
As part of some research projects, it is often useful to share additional information which cannot be included in
the printed article (long lists, data files, and so on):
- "$\Delta L\geq 4$ processes", 1804.10545 [hep-ph]
The full list of operators which violate lepton number in four units can be found here
- "High-dimensional neutrino masses", 1806.072645
The full list of tree diagrams implementing the d=9,11,13 neutrino mass operators $LLHH(HH^*)^{(d-5)/2}$ can
be found here
- "Systematic classification of three-loop realizations of the Weinberg operator", 1807.00629 [hep-ph]
A list of the topologies and diagrams which are relevant for the 3-loop realization of the Weinberg operator
$LLHH$ can be found here
Math and science related topics
- The Mandelbrot set
The Mandelbrot set is a famous mathematical object which gives nice pictures and is very easy to code. This
page contains a small Javascript program which I created just for fun, and there is also a laid-back
discussion of some basic features of this curious object (note: if you can, use Google Chrome to view this
page, because it runs Javascript faster).
- Astronomy: observing Pluto from home
Is the dwarf planet Pluto observable from an apartment in a big city like Prague?
- Astronomy: observing an exoplanet from home from home
Only recently, in the last 30 years, has there been conclusive evidence of the existence of planets outside our Solar System (often called exoplanets). The most straightforward method for detecting them is to observe a periodic dimming of the host star as the planet orbits in front of it.
Is it possible to spot an exoplanet from home, with a telescope and a camera?
Contact Information
Address: |
Departamento de Física Teórica y del Cosmos Facultad de Ciencias (Edificio Mecenas) Universidad de Granada Campus de Fuentenueva, E-18071 Granada, SPAIN |
Telephone: |
(+34) 958 243 205 |
Emails: | |
Renato Fonseca
Last updated
19 December 2024