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What is it?

Computations with tensors are ubiquitous in fundamental physics, and so is the usage of Einstein's dummy index convention for the contraction of indices. For instance, $T_{ia}U_{aj}$ is readily recognized as the same as $T_{ib}U_{bj}$, but a computer does not know that T[i,a]U[a,j] is equal to T[i,b]U[b,j]. Furthermore, tensors may have symmetries which can be used to simply expressions: if $U_{ij}$ is antisymmetric, then $\alpha T_{ia}U_{aj}+\beta T_{ib}U_{jb}=\left(\alpha-\beta\right)T_{ia}U_{aj}$. The fact that tensors can have elaborate symmetries, together with the problem of dummy indices, makes it complicated to simplify polynomial expressions with tensors.

This page describes the Mathematica code SimTeEx which can be used to put in canonical form such polynomial expressions with tensors. It can handle any kind of tensor symmetry. The program contains the following functions:

They are explained in the program's paper; additionally the SimTeEx package comes with a .nb file with several examples on how to use these functions.


The SimTeEx program is described in the paper "Renato M. Fonseca, Using SimTeEx to simplify polynomial expressions with tensors, arXiv:2412.14390 [hep-ph]".

Some functions of this package require the GroupMath code, which was published in "Renato M. Fonseca, GroupMath: A Mathematica package for group theory calculations, arXiv:2011.01764 [hep-th], Computer Physics Communications 267 (2021)"

Installing the code

The main function of SimTeEx (CanonicalForm) does not need any extra software to run. However, this package includes other functions which do require the group theory code of GroupMath, so in order to run them both programs must be downloaded and installed correctly. The GroupMath code can be found here while SimTeEx can be obtained from this page:

(SimTeEx 1.0.1)

The GroupMath and SimTeEx folders should be placed in a directory visible to Mathematica. A good folder to put them is in

(Mathematica base directory)/AddOns/Applications
Linux, Mac OS
(Mathematica base directory)\AddOns\Applications

That's it. To load SimTeEx, type in the front end

For questions, comments or bug reports, please contact me at


Renato Fonseca


Last updated
19 December 2024