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Listing all interactions of a model

Extensions of the Standard Model (SM) might involve a different gauge group and/or new fields; in either case, it is important to understand what is the most general Lagrangian invariant under the symmetries of the model. However, sometimes one might forget to write down some valid interactions, and/or even end up writing some interactions which do not exist. Automatizing the process might help to reduce such mistakes.

This page describes the Mathematica code Sym2Int (Symmetries to Interactions) which lists all valid interactions given the model's gauge group and fields (specified by their gauge and Lorentz representations). The program is valid for renormalizable interactions (mass dimension $\leq4$) as well as the ones which are not renormalizable (mass dimension $>4$). Since version 2, terms with derivatives and gauge bosons are also accounted for. More details can be found below.

Other references

The program was first described in the paper "Renato M. Fonseca, The Sym2Int program: going from symmetries to interactions, arXiv:1703.05221 [hep-ph]", with more details available in "Renato M. Fonseca, Enumerating the operators of an effective field theory, arXiv:1907.12584 [hep-ph]".

Installing the code

Sym2Int requires the group theory code of GroupMath, so both programs must be downloaded and installed correctly. The GroupMath code can be found here while Sym2Int can be obtained from this page:

(Sym2Int 2.4)

Both the GroupMath folder as well as the file sym2Int.m should be placed in a directory visible to Mathematica. A good place to place them is in

(Mathematica base directory)/AddOns/Applications
Linux, Mac OS
(Mathematica base directory)\AddOns\Applications

That's it. To load Sym2Int, type in the front end

For questions, comments or bug reports, please contact me at


Defining a model

A model is defined by the following elements:

For each of the fields, it is necessary to indicate the following (the order is important):

For example, consider the Standard Model:

gaugeGroup[SM] ^= {SU3, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", 3};
fld6 = {"H", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[SM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6};


The following tables are then printed on the screen:

Now, a bit of semantics: each independent gauge and Lorentz invariant contraction of the fields forms an operator. Leaving flavor indices unexpanded, several operators can be written down as a single term in the Lagrangian. Finally, several terms can correspond to the same operator type, which is the set of all gauge and Lorentz invariant contractions of a given combination of fields (with flavor indices ignored). So, even if there is more than one independent gauge and Lorentz invariant contraction of the fields (say) A, B, C and D (flavor indices are to be neglected), they are all considered to be part of a single ABCD type of operator.

For example, in the Standard Model the lepton Yukawa interactions $L_i^* e_j H$ are composed of 9 complex operators, which can be written down as a single term in the Lagrangian. They also form a single type of operator.

With this understanding, the first above table (with red text) contains the following data:

Everything should be self-evident, with the exception of the last column perhaps, so let us look into it in more detail.

Before that, note that a second table containing some summary statistics is also printed on screen. It shows the total number of operators, terms and operator types in the model, for each mass dimension. It is worth pointing out that none of the tables includes the kinetic terms.

The symmetry column

Consider line #5 which corresponds to the Higgs quartic coupling in the Standard Model. In this interaction, both H* and H appear twice, hence one can ask what happens when we do permutations of the two H* fields, or permutations of the two H* fields. The answer given in the last column is that the gauge and Lorentz invariant contraction of the fields H*H*HH is symmetric both under the exchange of H*'s (first ) as well as under the exchange of H's (second ). In other words, under the $S_2\times S_2$ permutation group this operator transforms under an {,} representation. Since there only one copy of the Higgs field in the Standard Model, it is quite obvious that any coupling where it appears repeated must be symmetric under permutations.

We encountered here , which is a very simple Young diagram. These diagrams consist of a collection of boxes which can be used to label any irreducible representation of a permutation group $S_n$. Generically speaking, boxes along the same row are associated to symmetrization, while boxes sharing the same column are associated to an anti-symmetry.

Consider now the Standard Model with an additional Higgs doublet (the Two Higgs Doublet Model). One way to specify it is simply by adding a 7th field:

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", 3};
fld6 = {"H1", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fld7 = {"H2", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[TwoHDM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6, fld7};


The program prints the following:

There are scalar mass terms (operators types #1, #2 and #3), Yukawa couplings (operators types #4 to #9) and scalar quartic couplings (operators types #10 to #15). Let us focus just on this last group of interactions: how many numbers/parameters are necessary to describe the scalar quartic interactions? We need in total $1+2+1=4$ real couplings for the self-conjugate operators #12, #14 and #15, plus $1+1+1=3$ complex couplings for the non-self-conjugate operators #10, #11 and #13. The grand total is then 10 real numbers. Note in particular that line #14 corresponds to the operator $H_2^* H_1^* H_2 H_1$ and, according to the columns 5 and 6, there are two possible independent contractions of the gauge+Lorentz indices.

However, we could have chosen to tell the program that the second Higgs doublet is simply a second flavor of the Standard Model one:

gaugeGroup[TwoHDM] ^= {SU3, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", 3};
fld6 = {"H", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 2};
fields[TwoHDM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6};


One should get the same interactions as before, but in a different language:

An immediate reaction to the above result might be that there are too few interactions, but in reality that is not the case. The first line says that 4 real numbers control the scalar masses, coinciding with the previous output which said that 2 real parameters + 1 complex one were required. The lines #2, #3 and #4 are the Yukawa interactions, and for each of these lines ...

As for the last line (#5), it says that 10 numbers are needed to encode all quartic interactions (these are real numbers, since the operator type is self-conjugate). This counting coincides with one we have seen above. But let us dig a little deeper into the meaning of the data in the last column of the last line. Since the two Higges are seen as 2 flavours of a single field $H$, one needs flavoured quartic couplings of the form $\lambda_{ijkl}$ as a prefactor to the each indepedent field product $H^*_i H^*_j H_k H_l$. However, note that even though the indices $i,j,k,l$ can take two values (1 or 2), it would be wrong to assume that there are $2^4=16$ real independent numbers in the tensor $\lambda_{ijkl}$. Indeed, what the

diagrams say is that one can break this $\lambda$ into two parts: $\lambda^{SS}_{ijkl}$ which is symmetric both under the exchange of indices $i \leftrightarrow j$ and the exchange $k \leftrightarrow l$, and $\lambda^{AA}_{ijkl}$ which is and anti-symmetric tensor under these permutations of indices. It is easy to check that these tensors have 9 ($\lambda^{SS}$) and 1 ($\lambda^{AA}$) independent entries.

For more information on the permutation symmetry of interaction, see arXiv:1907.12584 [hep-ph].

Extra comment: Some operators might have more complex symmetries than simple S's () and A's (). (This is particularly true for non-renormalizable operators — see below.) Why is this? If a fields appears not just once, but $n$ times in an operator, the relevant symmetry group associated to it is $S_n$. If $n=2$, we will see just S's and A's because the $S_2$ group only has two irreducible representations, which happen to be 1-dimension: the symmetric and anti-symmetric. However, starting with $S_3$ one can have mixed symmetries. Still, all one needs to know is that the irreducible representations (irreps) of $S_n$ can be labeled by the partitions of $n$. For example, the irreps of $S_4$ are {4}, {3,1}, {2,2}, {2,1,1}, {1,1,1,1} — the {4} is completely symmetric (S) and the {1,1,1,1} is completely anti-symmetric (A). In turn, these partitions can be represented by Young diagrams, if so desired:

If an $S_n$ irrep is neither completely symmetric nor completely anti-symmetric, the program will just indicate the irrep by the corresponding partition of $n$, or its Young diagram.

Gauge and Lorentz representations

Fields can be in any irreducible representation of the gauge and Lorentz groups.

The gauge representations for each simple factor group such as $SU(3)$ can be indicated by the representation's dimension D (e.g., 1, 3, 6, 8, ... in $SU(3)$) and -D if it is the anti-representation (e.g., -3, -6, ... in $SU(3)$). In those cases where two or more representations have the same dimensions (for example the 15 and 15' of $SU(3)$) one can use Dynkin coefficients, just like in the Susyno program . In the case of $U(1)$ factors, the program requires the charges of each field under them.

On the other hand, the Lorentz group is similar to a $SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R$ group, and in particular it has irreducible representations which can be associated to two non-negative half-integers $j_L$ and $j_R$: $\left(j_{L},j_{R}\right)$. The program needs these numbers. Nevertheless, for the common cases of {0,0} (a scalar), {1/2,0} (a left-handed Weyl spinor), {0,1/2} (a right-handed Weyl spinor) and {1/2,1/2} (a 4-vector), the user can simply type "S", "L", "R" and "V", respectively.

For example, consider a model with $n$ vectors and $m$ left-handed spinors (both with null charge under a $U(1)$ gauge group):

gaugeGroup[modelA] ^= {U1};

fld1 = {"A", {0}, "V", "R", n};
fld2 = {"Psi", {0}, "L", "C", m};
fields[modelA] ^= {fld1, fld2};


Notice the presence of a mixed symmetry {2,2} in the last line of the operators table. This somewhat complicated symmetry yields a rather peculiar expression for the number of operators: $\frac{1}{6} n^2 \left(n^2+5\right)$ real numbers are needed to encode the quartic interactions of the $n$ vector fields.

Extra comment: Gauge bosons transform in a slightly different way than would a normal vector field in the adjoint representation of the gauge group. Indeed, under a gauge transformation controlled by the real parameters $\theta_{a}$, the gauge fields changes according to the formula ($C_{abc}$ are the group structure constants)

\[ A_{\mu}^{a}\rightarrow A_{\mu}^{\prime a}=A_{\mu}^{a}+C_{abc}\theta^{b}A_{\mu}^{c}-g^{-1}\partial_{\mu}\theta^{a}\,. \]

The last term, $-g^{-1}\partial_{\mu}\theta^{a}$, is specific to gauge bosons. Starting with version 2.0, Sym2Int can handle automatically these fields in non-renormalizable operators (see next section). Note that the gauge bosons also appear in kinetic terms, but these are ignored by the program since they are essentially model independent.

Non-renormalizable terms, derivatives and gauge bosons

The program is not limited to the calculation of renormalizable interactions; it can calculate effective couplings to an arbitrarily large order. Note, however, that the computational time increases rapidly for higher dimensional terms.

For example, the SM interactions up to dimension 6 can be obtained as follows (the SM taken beyond dimension 4 is often called SMEFT: Standard Model effective field theory).

gaugeGroup[SM] ^= {SU3, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", 3};
fld6 = {"H", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[SM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6};

GenerateListOfCouplings[SM, MaxOrder -> 6];

This output is in agreement with the results in the paper B. Grzadkowski et al., JHEP 1010 (2010) 085 (the 'GIMR paper' henceforth) . Indeed, looking at the table of operators, the situation is as follows:

One can go beyond dimension 6 operators, but computational time and memory requirements increase quickly. It is not wise to show very long table with many Young diagrams in Mathematica's front end, so Sym2Int stops printing the operator table if it contains more than 200 rows. The user can also use the Verbose option to do so even for smaller tables (see below).

For example, the following code takes around two hours to run, and it uses ~4 GB of RAM:

savedResults = GenerateListOfCouplings[SM, MaxOrder -> 15]

Because the table of operators is not printed on screen, one should instead analyze the raw data returned by the function GenerateListOfCouplings. In this case, it is being saved to the variable savedResults.

The number of operators in the statistics table shown above (second column), as well as the number of types of operators up to dimension 12 (forth column), match the results in the paper B. Henning et al., JHEP 1708 (2017) 016 .

Quick summary: It is possible to go beyond renormalizable operators with the MaxOrder option. The program will use the symbol $\mathcal{D}$ for derivatives, and F1, F2, F3, ... for the field strength tensors of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ... gauge factor groups (following the order of gaugeGroup[<model>]).

More examples

A Left-Right model ($SU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R \times U(1)_{B-L}$ gauge group)

Consider the LR model with the following representations. Fermions (all taken to be left-handed Weyl spinors) are distributed across three copies of the representations $Q=\left(\mathbf{3},\mathbf{2},\mathbf{1},1/3\right)$ and $Q^c=\left(\overline{\mathbf{3}},\mathbf{1},\mathbf{2},-1/3\right) $, $L=\left(\mathbf{1},\mathbf{2},\mathbf{1},-1\right)$ and $L^{c}=\left(\mathbf{1},\mathbf{1},\mathbf{2},1\right)$. The scalar sector is composed of the fields $\Phi=\left(\mathbf{1},\mathbf{2},\mathbf{2},0\right)$, $\Delta_{L}=\left(\mathbf{1},\mathbf{3},\mathbf{1},2\right)$ and $\Delta_{R}=\left(\mathbf{1},\mathbf{1},\mathbf{3},-2\right)$.

gaugeGroup[LR] ^= {SU3, SU2, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1, 1/3}, "L", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"Qc", {-3, 1, 2, -1/3}, "L", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"L", {1, 2, 1, -1}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"Lc", {1, 1, 2, 1}, "L", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"Phi", {1, 2, 2, 0}, "S", "R", 1};
fld6 = {"D", {1, 3, 1, 2}, "S", "C", 1};
fld7 = {"Dc", {1, 1, 3, -2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[LR] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6, fld7};


An $SU(5)$ model

gaugeGroup[modelSU5] ^= {SU5};

fld1 = {"F", {-5}, "L", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"T", {10}, "L", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"5", {5}, "S", "C", 1};
fld4 = {"24", {24}, "S", "R", 1};
fields[modelSU5] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4};


The Pisano-Pleitez-Frampton model ($SU(3)_C \times SU(3)_L \times U(1)_X$ gauge group)

gaugeGroup[PPF331Model] ^= {SU3, SU3, U1};

Psil = {"Psil", {1, 3, 0}, "L", "C", 3};
Q23L = {"Q23L", {3, -3, -1/3}, "L", "C", 2};
Q1L = {"Q1L", {3, 3, 2/3}, "L", "C", 1};
uc = {"uc", {-3, 1, -2/3}, "L", "C", 3};
dc = {"dc", {-3, 1, 1/3}, "L", "C", 3};
J12 = {"J12", {-3, 1, 4/3}, "L", "C", 1};
J3 = {"J3", {-3, 1, -5/3}, "L", "C", 2};

Chi = {"Chi", {1, 3, -1}, "S", "C", 1};
Eta = {"Eta", {1, 3, 0}, "S", "C", 1};
Rho = {"Rho", {1, 3, 1}, "S", "C", 1};

fields[PPF331Model] ^= {Psil, Q23L, Q1L, uc, dc, J12, J3, Chi, Eta, Rho};


Details and extra options

There are some optional parameters which can be used to change the program's behaviour.

- Add discrete symmetries

At the moment Sym2Int has a limited capacity do deal with discrete symmetries (future versions will probably extend this part of the code). In particular, the program can only handle abelian discrete symmetries which commute with the gauge group. These symmetries associate to each field a (multiplicatively) conserved charge, which should be provided as follows:

GenerateListOfCouplings[<model>, DiscreteSym->{<charge of field #1>,
<charge of field #2>, ...}];

Each charge is a complex number (with modulus 1) associated to a $Z_n$ symmetry, or a list of such numbers, in case there are multiple $Z_{n_i}$ symmetries.

- Suppress on-screen printing of output

The option

GenerateListOfCouplings[<model>, Verbose->False];

can be used to force the program to perform the calculation silently, in which case one should save the results of GenerateListOfCouplings to some variable (more details are given in the next section).

One can also print the statistics table only:

GenerateListOfCouplings[<model>, Verbose->"OnlyStatistics"];

Finally, it is possible to use partitions instead of Young diagrams in the last column of the operators list:

GenerateListOfCouplings[<model>, Verbose->"NoTableaux"];

Saving the output for further processing

We have seen above that the program prints a table with the results (plus another table with some statistics). However, in many cases, one would also like to have this data in a format suitable for further processing. Such data can indeed be obtained by just saving the output of the GenerateListOfCouplings function, which returns a list containing information related to each operator type. For each item in the list, corresponding to some operator type, the following information is provided:

  1. The number associated to the operator-type.
  2. The combination of fields which enter the interaction. Each field is identified by its position in the list provided by the user as input (if the field does not appear conjugated in the operator) or minus its position in the list provided by the user as input (if the field does appear conjugated in the operator). Derivatives are assigned the number 0, and the field strength tensors have the indices $x+2$, $x+3$, ... where $x$ is the number of fields given as input. In summary: 0 → derivative; ($1$ to $x$) → the fields given as input; ($x+2$ to $x+i-1$) → field strength tensors, where $i$ is the number of gauge factor groups. Note that the field strength tensors mentioned here are the $F$'s in the Lorentz representation $(1,0)$, such that $F_{\mu\nu}=F+F^*$.
  3. Mass dimension of the operator.
  4. Is the combination of fields self conjugated?
  5. Number of operators (real ones if the previous entry is "True"; complex otherwise).
  6. Number of terms (real ones if the operator type is self-conjugated; complex otherwise).
  7. List of fields which appear more than once in the operator (the identification of each field is done as in 2.).
  8. Information on the permutation symmetry and number of parameters associated to the operator.
  9. Provides information on the explicit expression(s) of the gauge+Lorentz invariant contraction (or contractions if there are several) of the fields which appear in the operator. In other words, it provides the information needed to write down the Lagragian. This information will only be computed if the following optional arguments are used: CalculateInvariants->True and IncludeDerivatives->False.

Perhaps it is easier to follow what is going on with an example (the Standard Model again):

gaugeGroup[SM] ^= {SU3, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", 3};
fld6 = {"H", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[SM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6};

operatorsDim4 = GenerateListOfCouplings[SM];
operatorsDim6 = GenerateListOfCouplings[SM, MaxOrder -> 6];

Note that, unlike some previous examples, now the results are being saved to the variables operatorsDim4 and operatorsDim6. We can get a quick glance at what information is in operatorsDim4, for example, by making a grid:

Grid[operatorsDim4, Frame -> All]

For instance, the forth row, second column reads {-1,3,6} because the u, Q, H fields are involved (these are the fields #1, #3 and #6 in the input list), and u is conjugated (hence the -1 instead of 1). Note that the last column is empty because the options "CalculateInvariants -> True" and "IncludeDerivatives->False" were not used. Finally, note also that in the last row, column 7, there is a {{2},{2}} permutation symmetry: it stands for the trivial/symmetric $S_2 \times S_2$ irreducible representation (see section "The 'Symmetry and number of parameters' column" above).

In the example above, operatorsDim6 contains the SM operators up to dimension 6. We may write a small code to pick out the position of those types of operators which violate lepton and baryon number:

LeptonNumber[term_] := Module[{baryonNumber},
  baryonNumber = 
   Sign[term[[2]]].(Abs[term[[2]]] /. {0 -> 0, 1 -> 0, 2 -> 0, 3 -> 0,
        4 -> 1, 5 -> 1, 6 -> 0, 8 -> 0, 9 -> 0, 10 -> 0});

BaryonNumber[term_] := Module[{baryonNumber},
  baryonNumber = 
      2]]].(Abs[term[[2]]] /. {0 -> 0, 1 -> 1/3, 2 -> 1/3, 3 -> 1/3, 
       4 -> 0, 5 -> 0, 6 -> 0, 8 -> 0, 9 -> 0, 10 -> 0});

positionLViolation = Cases[operatorsDim6,
 x_ /; LeptonNumber[x] =!= 0 :> x[[1]]];
PrintOperatorTable[SM, operatorsDim6[[positionLViolation]]]

positionBViolation = Cases[operatorsDim6,
 x_ /; BaryonNumber[x] =!= 0 :> x[[1]]];
PrintOperatorTable[SM, operatorsDim6[[positionBViolation]]]

The following two table are printed by the program (they list the lepton and baryon number violating operators):

The function PrintOperatorTable used here is part of Sym2Int: it allows the user to selectively print just some of the operators of the last model which was processed with GenerateListOfCouplings. For example,

will print only operators types #3, #4 and #10 in a table.

For SMEFT, the paper B. Henning et al., JHEP 1708 (2017) 016 provides (a) the number of operators of each type up to dimension 12; (b) the total number of operators with mass dimension $d \leq 12$ which violate baryon number in $\Delta B=0,1,2$ units; (c) the total number of operators with with mass dimension up to 15. This last part (c) can be checked directly from the summary table printed by the program (see bottom of section "Non-renormalizable terms, derivatives and gauge bosons").

As for parts (a) and (b), they can be checked by computing the list of SM operators up to dimension 12, for Nf generations (it takes ~10 minutes), saving the results in a variable (operatorsDim12 below).

gaugeGroup[SM] ^= {SU3, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", Nf};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", Nf};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", Nf};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", Nf};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", Nf};
fld6 = {"H", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[SM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6};

 operatorsDim12 = GenerateListOfCouplings[SM, MaxOrder -> 12, 
    Verbose -> False];

For example, the reference above provides the dimension 5 operators in a data file as the sum \[\frac{\text{Nf}^{2}+\text{Nf}}{2}H^{2}L^{2}+\frac{\text{Nf}^{2}+\text{Nf}}{2}\text{Hd}^{2}\text{Ld}^{2}\] where Nf is the number of generations, H is the Higgs field, Hd is its conjugate, and so on. Derivatives are represented by a t. To convert operatorsDim12 into this format, one can do as follows:

ConvertSym2IntResult[termAll_] := Module[{rule, aux, result},
  rule = {-10 -> Br, -9 -> Wr, -8 -> Gr, -6 -> Hd, -5 -> Ld, -4 -> 
     e, -3 -> Qd, -2 -> d, -1 -> u, 0 -> t, 1 -> ud, 2 -> dd, 3 -> Q, 
    4 -> ed, 5 -> L, 6 -> H, 8 -> Gl, 9 -> Wl, 10 -> Bl};
  aux = If[
    termAll[[4]], {termAll[[2]]}, {termAll[[2]], -termAll[[2]]}];
  result = Expand[termAll[[5]] Total[Times @@@ (aux /. rule)]];

Total[ConvertSym2IntResult /@ saveResult]

This will provide a sum with all operators up to dimension 12. To get only those with dimension 6 (for example), one can do as follows:

Total[ConvertSym2IntResult /@ Cases[saveResult, x_ /; x[[3]] == 6]]
The result is this:

In order to collect data on the number of operators of each dimension which violate baryon number, one can proceed as follows:

BaryonNumber[term_] := Module[{baryonNumber},
  baryonNumber = 
   Sign[term[[2]]].(Abs[term[[2]]] /. {0 -> 0, 1 -> 1/3, 2 -> 1/3, 
       3 -> 1/3, 4 -> 0, 5 -> 0, 6 -> 0, 8 -> 0, 9 -> 0, 10 -> 0});

bTable = Table[
   temp = Cases[operatorsDim12, 
     x_ /; x[[3]] == dim && Abs[BaryonNumber[x]] == b];
   Expand[temp[[All, 5]].(temp[[All, 4]] /. {True -> 1, False -> 2})]
   , {dim, 5, 12}, {b, 0, 2}];

  Style[#, Darker[Red]] & /@ {"Delta(B)=0", "Delta(B)=+-1", 
    "Delta(B)=+-2"}], Frame -> All]

The rows printed on screen represent the various dimensions of the operators (5 to 12).

Explicit expressions for the operators

Besides listing/counting the various ways in which the fields can interact, Sym2Int can call automatically the relevant Susyno code and calculate the explicit gauge and Lorentz invariant contractions of the fields (see ). However, to speed up the calculations, this is not done by default, hence the user must use the "CalculateInvariants -> True" option. As explained in the previous section, this information can then be retrieved from the output of GenerateListOfCouplings.

Consider once more the Standard Model:

gaugeGroup[SM] ^= {SU3, SU2, U1};

fld1 = {"u", {3, 1, 2/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld2 = {"d", {3, 1, -1/3}, "R", "C", 3};
fld3 = {"Q", {3, 2, 1/6}, "L", "C", 3};
fld4 = {"e", {1, 1, -1}, "R", "C", 3};
fld5 = {"L", {1, 2, -1/2}, "L", "C", 3};
fld6 = {"H", {1, 2, 1/2}, "S", "C", 1};
fields[SM] ^= {fld1, fld2, fld3, fld4, fld5, fld6};

operatorsDim4 = GenerateListOfCouplings[SM,CalculateInvariants -> True];

The variable operatorsDim4 will contain a list {op1,op2,...}, where the 7th position of each opN is what we are looking for. For example, take the trivial case of the Higgs mass term (operator #1):

operatorsDim4[[1, 7]]
The first part is a tensor with three indices:

Indeed, in general one has as series of fields $F^{(1)}$, ..., $F^{(n)}$ being multiplied, and they may be contracted as $c^A_{i_1 i_2 ... i_n}$ $F_{i_1}^{(1)}$, ... $F_{i_n}^{(n)}$ for $A=1,...,m$ where $m$ is the number of independent gauge and Lorentz invariant contractions of these fields. The program returns precisely this tensor $c^A_{i_1 i_2 ... i_n}$ with $n+1$ indices.

Each field is assumed to have only a single index which condenses all information on both the gauge components and Lorentz components of the field. It works in the following straightforward way: assuming that the gauge group is $G$, then the full gauge+Lorentz group is assumed to be $G \times SU(2)_{sp,L} \times SU(2)_{sp,R}$, so the components of, say, the left-handed quark representation of the SM are Q[<color=1,2,3>,<isospin=1,2>,<Weyl SU(2)_L index=1,2>,<Weyl SU(2)_R index=1>] (note that for $U(1)$'s no index is used). Hence we have twelve components: Q[1,1,1,1], Q[1,1,2,1], Q[1,2,1,1], Q[1,2,2,1], Q[2,1,1,1], Q[2,1,2,1], Q[2,2,1,1], Q[2,2,2,1], Q[3,1,1,1], Q[3,1,2,1], Q[3,2,1,1], Q[3,2,2,1]. Going back to our example (the Higgs mass operator), we have for the Higgs field the components H[1,1,1,1] and H[1,2,1,1] (or HC[1,1,1,1] and HC[1,2,1,1] for the Higgs field conjugated; in general the program adds a "C" to the field's name). These components are shown in the second part of the above output.

For the Higgs mass, we know that $c^1_{i_1 i_2}$ should be proportional to $\delta_{i_1 i_2}$ and indeed that is the case:

MatrixForm /@ operatorsDim4[[1, 7, 1]]

To contract the tensor with the fields, one can do as following:

inv = operatorsDim4[[1, 7]];
Fold[Dot, inv[[1]], Reverse[inv[[2]]]]

One more example — the lepton Yukawa coupling (operator #4):

inv = operatorsDim4[[4, 7]];
Fold[Dot, inv[[1]], Reverse[inv[[2]]]]

In general, these explicit expressions depend on the basis chosen for the gauge representation matrices and for the Lorentz representation matrices. Concerning the gauge basis see ; as for the basis for Lorentz representations, one can make a simple toy model without a gauge group and check how the contractions $\psi_L \psi_L$ and $\psi^*_L \psi_L V_\mu$ are done:

gaugeGroup[testModel] ^= {};

fermion = {"psi", {}, "L", "C", 1};
vector = {"V", {}, "V", "R", 1};
fields[testModel] ^= {fermion, vector};

result = GenerateListOfCouplings[testModel, 
   CalculateInvariants -> True];

{MatrixForm /@ #[[1]], #[[2]]} &@result[[2, 7]]
result[[3, 7, 1, 1]].result[[3, 7, 2, 3]] // MatrixForm

In particular, the last two lines of the output imply that the indices contract as follows: \[-\psi_{L}^{T}\epsilon\psi_{L}\;\;\textrm{ and }\;\;\psi_{L}^{\dagger}\left(\begin{array}{cc} V_{11} & V_{21}\\ V_{12} & V_{22} \end{array}\right)\epsilon\psi_{L} \] Here, $\epsilon$ is the usual anti-symmetric tensor with $\epsilon_{11}=\epsilon_{22}=0$ and $\epsilon_{12}=1$. Note also that the four components of a vector are labelled not by a $\mu=1,2,3,4$ but instead by two integers $\left(j_{L},j_{R}\right)=(1,1),(1,2),(2,1),(2,2)$ (this is because a vector is treated as a bi-doublet of $SU(2)_L\times SU(2)_R$).

Renato Fonseca


Last updated
19 December 2024